Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Body For Life

I am 10 days from starting my 2nd Official BFL challenge. I feel I have learned so many things from so many people that I NOW have the knowledge to do a challenge & feel good.

I started BFL March 25th 2007. My eating was HORRIBLE, exercise consisted of getting out of bed. I feel I am becoming obsessed with fitness which is a good feeling.

I actually crave healthy food now.....who would have ever thought that would happen!

I am going to start & finish this challenge like so many others have......SUCCESSFULLY!

I will be rereading the book over the next 10 days & putting my workouts & eating together

March 1st will be the first day of the rest of my life

Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I can not believe how much my life has changed in the past year. NEVER did I think I would not crave pasta or mashed potatoes & gravy or fried potatoes with onion......WELLLLLL...... I have broken that chain! My entire life I have eaten pasta or some type of potato with EVERY dinner! Spaghetti was ALWAYS my ultimate fav food! NOW.....yuck! It sits like lead in my stomach. Even the whole wheat pasta does not do well in my belly.

I have not missed a single workout since December 11th! AGAIN....I used to come up with an excuse why I couldn't get a workout in. NOW I might complain about it BUT I do it!

I have had a FEW slip ups with food but that is even getting WAAAAAYYYYY better.

I want to find that inner person so badly! I look up to so many people. When I think I can't do it anymore I think of those people & I find the strength to push forward! THANKS!!!!

I sometimes wonder how quick my transformation would be if I were still in my 30's rather than knocking on the door of 50? OR........if I had my thyroid & it was working proper?????

I will never have the answer to those ?????

2009 WILL be my transformation year!!!!!

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feb. 4th

WOW I feel like I am sooooo alive today! Funny how pushing yourself actually makes you feel so much better!

I have been working on preparing food for several days & that has soooo helped with my progress lately!

I LOVE this feeling!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Coming to terms with myself

I was sitting here trying to remember what I used to do in the evening.......then it hit me....NOTHING! ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! Unless you want to talk about the CRAP food I poisoned my body with every single night while I sat around doing nothing.

I used to think heavy people that were happy were so lucky because they wouldn't get all depressed about people looking at them funny.....NOW...... I actually feel sorry for them because their quality of life is not very good. They can't keep up with their children or grandchildren.

I am & will be forever thankful to Bill Phillips for the knowledge he shared with me & so many others. Tony for helping me create the person I have been hiding for so many years & all the wonderful people that have inspired me along the way....YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE!

Although I know I will have days that I cave in to temptation, I know how to make amends for doing so. I am human. I WILL fall down BUT that does not make me a bad simply makes me HUMAN!

If I really want something I will think about it before I go get it. If after thinking about it I still want it then I will have it but I will not eat something out of impulse!

Why did I wait so long to start living?